GUY RPG: The Basics

GUY RPG mostly plays itself. Although there are a couple ways to help Guy, this game is mostly something to be watched while doing another activity.

The world map
Guy must journey through 10 levels.
Guy walking in level 1
He spends a lot of time walking...
Guy encountering an enemy
Along the way, he will battle enemies
Dice rolling in a battle
Guy and his foe will take turns rolling dice. Damage is dealt by rolling higher than the opponent's last roll
Die upgrading
If Guy wins, he will upgrade a random face of his 6-sided die
Losing a life
But if he loses, he goes back to the beginning of the level, and loses 1 life
Lose all lives, and it's GUY OVER!

How To Help Guy

Guy has no money to buy food
Sometimes Guy will want to purchase things. If you're watching Guy on Twitch, you may be able to redeem channel points to give Guy money!
Guy getting pet
You can also use channel points to pet Guy on the head
Getting money from a chest
If you're not playing on Twitch, or if the viewers are just as broke as Guy, don't despair! Guy can also get money on his own from locked chests.

Additional Info: Items

Finding a package
Apart from enemies, Guy will also find packages
Receiving and eating a snack
Packages might contain snacks! Snacks restore HP
Food pyramid
They also fill up Guy's Food Pyramid. (What does this do...?)
Receiving a potion
There are other types of items, which Guy will carry with him
Potion Potion heal 1 hp. Can only be used outside of battle. If used, you keep the bottle.
Potion Bottle Leftover after using a potion. No immediate effect...
Potion Skates Double Guy's walking speed. Effect increases with multiple skates!
Potion Plant Cultivate the plant in a garden event (keep reading...)
Potion Key Open a locked chest!
Potion ??? There's one more type of item which can only be obtained from opening a locked chest. What is it? What does it do?

Additional Info: Bonus Events

The end of a level
After walking for a while, Guy will reach the end of a level...
Bonus event title card
...and enter a bonus event!
The market bonus event
Market: if Guy has enough dollars, he will buy himself a snack
The fountain bonus event
Fountain: Guy's health is fully restored, and any empty potion bottles are refilled!
The garden bonus event
Garden: if Guy has a plant, he will put it in the Garden. It has no effect for now... maybe when you come back later?


Guys wearing hats
There's some way for Guy to get a hat... how?
Reaching the final level
What lies at the end of Guy's journey? What happens if he wins?